Thursday, September 07, 2006

Leaving today for Orlando, SIBA trade show

The Southeast Independent Booksellers Association (SIBA) is holding its fall trade show right now in Orlando (yikes!) and I'm flying down there this evening. Tomorrow morning I will be on a panel of four authors for something called A People's History (tip of the hat to my guru, Howard Zinn). Then autographing books. Then back to the airport and home again by tomorrow night.
The miracle of modern travel (tip of the hat to Wilbur and Orville) allows me to leave upstate New York, speak in Florida, and be back home in just over 24 hours. Wild. I'll take my camera, and hope to get some snaps of famous authors while I'm there. Look for update on Saturday. Imagine, a day without blogging tomorrow (sniff sniff).

I do just want to say before I sign off that last night I went to a fancy reception to hear this man, Bishop Kevin Dowling, speak about his AIDS hospice work in South Africa. The party was at a new and extravagantly expensive home here in town, and all I can hope is that the bishop ends up with more in contributions for his work than was spent on the party. Perhaps the host and hostess could have opened a few bottles of wine themselves and passed around some cheese and crackers, instead of spending thousands on catering and tents etc., and then given him a check for the cost of the party. But that's just me being snarky. If you think the work the bishop is doing is important, please consider a gift to the Community Hospice Africa Fund, and your donation will go to Tapologo House.

Until Saturday. Best Blogger Tips
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